Martial Arts Links
Disclaimer On Links:
This is the site of one of Goju Ryu's most famous karate pioneers, John Roseberry Sensei, the founder of the Sho-Rei-Shobu-Kan.
This website is the yellow pages of martial arts tournaments around the world. This site provides information & listings on almost every upcoming karate (martial arts) tournament around the world.
This is the Official site of NASKA. This site provides information on upcoming - A rated , Triple A rated, and World Karate tournaments. It also provides information on competitors ratings.
This site provides more information on Goju Ryu and many of its most famous karate masters. This site is the encyclopedia on Goju Ryu.
The National Blackbelt League (NBL) is the only international sport karate league based upon a series of open tournaments which rate and qualify blackbelt level players to become official sport karate world champions at a year-end championship called the Super Grands World Games. NBL ratings are free (no membership fee) to all players who attend and place in NBL divisions at NBL tournaments.
This site is the accrediting site on karate.
This is the Official Online Martial Arts Magazine. Black Belt Magazine.
East Coast Sho-Rei-Shobu-Kan Goju Karate
Northeastern Sho-Rei-Shobu-kan
Century Martial Arts Supply Store
This site is the Official site of Century. The Martial supply store.
Goju Ryu Fists of Iron Hands of Water
This website provides broader information on various okinawan and chinese martial Arts. It is one of a few sites that shows a distinct connection between the okinawan martial arts and the Chinese martial arts in general.
Ultimate Fighting Forum
This website is a spanish and english site on various martial arts within ultimate fighting competitions.
Non Related Martial Arts Links
The NY Millionaire Lotto Club
This is a great site to play the New York State Lotto as a group. Saving a 50% discount on a
normal New York State Lotto Subscription. Believe it. This site is for real and the best. Who knows -
maybe you might be the next millionaire......
The New York State Lottery
This is the Official site of the New York State Lotto.