Black Belt Members Photos Part 2
Hatha Goju Ryu and Shorin Ryu Home Page

Goju Ryu and Shorin Ryu History

Karate Legendary Masters

Historical Evolution of Karate in America

Introduction of Okinawan Hatha Goju Ryu

Syracuse Spinning Cobras Karate Do History

Famous Modern Masters of Karate Do

Syracuse Spinning Cobras Karate Lineage

Syracuse Spinning Cobras Karate Black Belt Members Photos

 Black Belt Members Photos Part 2

Goju Ryu and Shorin Ryu Katas

Karate Stances - Strikes and Vital Points

Karate Stories and Oaths

Kobudo History and Weapons Photos Page

Karate Tournaments Listings

Martial Arts Links



Keyonda Cummings

Keyonda Cummings (a.k.a. - The Karate Warrior Princess) started studying the martial arts at age 5.  She has been in the martial arts for 9 years, and is known for her unique skills in kicking and kata demonstrations.  Quiet in nature,  Cummings swift, flashy, and unique techniques have set the standard for those in her age group.


Keyona Cummings

Keyona Cummings  (a.k.a. - Scorpion Queen) started studying the martial arts at age 5.  She has been in the martial arts for 9 years (like her sister) and is well known for her skills in kicking as well.  She is an excellent student in both martial arts and academics.  She has also participated in such sports as gymnastics, cheerleading, and basketball.


Johnathan C. Stackhouse

Mr. Stackhouse is one of our rising star students.  He has been in the martial arts for 5 years and will soon be testing for his shodan rank.  He is a gifted athlete and currently plays pop warner football in his age division.


Muhammad Bowe' Amin Sensei

Sensei  Muhammad Bowe' Amin bio file will be coming soon.

Advance Chair Splits